Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Welcome to My Indy book review

As everyone knows, Indy music is hot and has a loyal following.  Indy films are also popular and even have their own cable channel.  But what about Indy books?  As an independent author who has just released a self-published kid's picture book, I ran into something of a stigma.  People have the impression that self-published books are, by definition, of lesser quality than those published by traditional publishing houses.  This is just not true.  As I'm sure you're aware there are some traditionally published titles that are just terrible, and some that are excellent.  It's the same with self-published books.  Some are great, some are horrible, some are just OK.  Some are polished, some need more work.  There are many reasons people chose to self-publish and it's usually not because the book "isn't good enough" to be published.  We can get into that in other posts.

My aim here is to provide a two-fold service.  1.  To promote independent authors and their books by reviewing their books.
2.  To help readers discover some of these wonderful books that they may otherwise pass over.

Now I'm just getting started, so if you're an Indy author, email me and I'll review your book.  In return, you tell everyone you can about this blog.


  1. Great Idea! I saw your post on my FB via a lulu fb friend. I just had my first book published. It's an autobiography called The Book of Babs and it's available on amazon but not doing very well. The people who have read it, enjoyed it. Good luck on this!

  2. Agree with babs

    Just sent you and email.

    First two books in my story are now published, with the third in the editing stage.
    Any help in letting people know about Inde publishers is a good thing.


  3. Hey. This is a brilliant idea ^^ Sending email as we speak
