Friday, October 23, 2009

Interview with author of Life outside the Asylum

The book reviews are coming soon, I promise!

In the meantime here's an interesting Interview with Indy Author Marc Zirogiannis.  Mr. Zirogiannis is the author of the book LESSONS FROM 1 NORTH: A Guide to Life Outside the Asylum.  It is a true story and self help book dealing with his time in a "loonie bin", as he puts it, after attempting suicide due to a depression brought on my the economic turmoil in the USA.

I haven't read his book (yet), but the interview is very interesting.  I commend the author for his courage to ignore the stigma and taboo of psychiatric illness and speak out about this very important subject.  I found the interview itself to be both informative and fascinating.  Definitely worth a listen.

If you're interested in purchasing the book, please do so through the link below as it supports this site and the work we do to promote Indy literature.

Interview with Indy Author Marc Zirogiannis.

1 comment:

  1. Funny!
    This guy is a crook!
    I lost my home because of him!
