Thursday, December 3, 2009

Holiday shopping for Indy Books!

So the holidays are coming soon and it's the time to be shopping.  As always, books are great gifts.  With a book it's not just a knick-knack - it's another world, it's another life, it's a story, or a class, or a great meal.  It's hours with a good friend, and possibly years of cherished memories.  A good book can be a cherished possession.
Consider giving the gift of a book by an Indy author.  There are course the books reviewed below, with links to buy them. is the largest self-publishing site on-line and they've got great deals going on all month.  See here:  Lulu Gift Ideas

Of course, there's also Amazon.
If you shop on Amazon through one of these links you'll be supporting this site and my family - and we thank you!  Not only do they have great books by Indy as well as traditionally published authors, but lots of other great gifts in other categories as well - DVDs, games, etc. etc. 

Amazon CANADA:

Amazon USA:

Amazon UK:

Thank you and happy holidays!

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